Fireside Caterers

The objective to find a website that lacked an e-commerce feature and create a high fidelity prototype of that feature to implement onto the existing website.

I chose Fireside Caterers, a family-owned deli located on Long Island, N.Y. The goal was to allow customers to seamlessly order food online for pickup or delivery, as well as update their order immediately should they choose to.

Project Scope

E-commerce project

Timeframe: 2 week sprint

Role: Researcher, Designer

Team: Potoula Anagnostakos

Methods: Generative Research, Data Synthesis, Card Sorting, Journey Map, Personas, Evaluative Research

Tools: Figma, Optimal Workshop, Google Workspace


  • User interviews and insights

  • Competitive analysis

  • Sitemap

  • Card sorting

  • User personas, flows, journeys

  • Mid-fidelity and grey scale interactive prototype

  • Usability tests and insights


Libby - Social Networking Feature for Existing App